- Get the lead out!
- амер. Поторопись! Поторопитесь! Двигай<те> живее!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
get the lead out — [v] hurry get a move on, get cracking*, get going, get it on, hop to it, hustle, look alive, make it snappy, shake a leg*, snap to it, step on it; concepts 91,150 … New thesaurus
get the lead out — This is used to tell someone to hurry up … The small dictionary of idiomes
get the lead out — informal move or work more quickly * * * get the lead out US informal : to begin going or moving more quickly Get the lead out! If we don t leave in five minutes we ll be late for the movie! • • • Main Entry: ↑lead … Useful english dictionary
Get the lead out! — exclam. Get moving!; Hurry up! (Crude. It is assumed that one has bowels full of lead.) □ Come on, you turkeys. Get the lead out! □ Shake the lead out! I want it done today, not next week … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
get the lead out — move faster, hurry, move it, shake a leg The coach told me to get the lead out to get moving … English idioms
get the lead out — come on you guys get the lead out! Syn: hurry up, get a move on, be quick; informal get cracking, shake a leg, look lively, look sharp; dated make haste … Thesaurus of popular words
get the lead out of one's pants — {v. phr.}, {slang} To get busy; work faster. * /The captain told the sailors to get the lead out of their pants./ * /The coach told the players to get the lead out of their pants./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get the lead out of one's pants — {v. phr.}, {slang} To get busy; work faster. * /The captain told the sailors to get the lead out of their pants./ * /The coach told the players to get the lead out of their pants./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ the\ lead\ out\ of\ one's\ pants — v. phr. slang To get busy; work faster. The captain told the sailors to get the lead out of their pants. The coach told the players to get the lead out of their pants … Словарь американских идиом
get the lead out — verb to go faster; to hurry up … Wiktionary
get the lead out — idi +sts Slang. to move or work faster; hurry up … From formal English to slang